Even though I am currently gripped by a sourdough revolution
and yeasted breads aren't getting a look in ...
I love this focaccia recipe. It is a family staple.
Well until I master a sourdough focaccia that is!
I can't claim the recipe as my own
it is largely based on a recipe from
It is incredibly easy to make and very forgiving.
It can be baked in a shallow tin
or open on a tray as a slab loaf and as rolls.
It is a very wet mix which is tricksy to handle but it is no knead so time, warmth, water and a little extra yeast does the work for you.
Oh and a good spatula or bread scraper!
Unlike other focaccia recipes I have tried it doesn't have much oil added until baking and that is up to you.
I don't drizzle with a lot of oil, particularly the rolls as it makes them greasy to handle or if it going in the freezer (it freezes and reheats really well).
More oil can then be added (as required) when it is reheated or for dipping.
It makes great sandwiches, it is delicious toasted; plain is great with jam
or a flavoured bread is great for cheese on toast
(especially with a tasty pesto spread underneath the cheese).
Olive or tomato bread is great for scooping, dipping
and soaking up tomatoey juices.
The texture is light and the crust can be whatever you want it to be
(although because it is a very wet dough over baking can make it tough).
So have I sold it to you?
No knead focaccia
475g lukewarm water
2 teaspoons easy bake/active dry yeast
150g strong white bread flour
150g strong wholemeal bread flour (or use 300g white instead)
- Put the water in a large mixing bowl and whisk in the yeast until dissolved
- Add only the flours listed above for now and mix vigorously with a wooden spoon for approximately two minutes to get that gluten going (it will be very wet)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (olive is fine, extra tastes better ...)
- Add the rest of the flour, salt and oil
- Mix well for another two minutes and eliminate any lumps. The mix will be firmer now but still very sticky. A mixer with a dough hook will do the trick if you have one but isn't essential.
- Cover with clingfilm or put the bowl in a plastic bag to seal in the moisture and warmth as the dough proves.
- Leave the dough to at least double in size (it can get sooo much bigger) depending on the time of year and warmth in the kitchen this can take from 45 mins to 3 hours. You can also refrigerate at this point if you need to, even over night and bring it out an hour before shaping to come to room temperature
- When the dough has doubled in size pour the dough into a lined (or it will stick!!!!) 30cm Swiss roll tin, or split into two free form loaves on lined trays using a spatula or dough scraper
- If making rolls then use a large spoon and spatula and dollop onto two prepared trays. I usually make ten. Five on each tray. Think five spots on a dice. However they are quite generous sized rolls.
- to shape the rolls, tray bake or tin loaf dip your fingers into cold water (shake off the excess) and gently pull the dough to the shape required. Keep dipping but don't let excess water sit on the dough. It's wet enough. Be careful not to stretch too far, unless confined by a tin the dough will spread anyway.
- Leave for twenty minutes to develop a light skin and preheat the oven to 200 C fan assisted.
- Put 2 tbsp of olive oil in a dish, dip your fingers then push them down into the dough to create dimples. Repeat.
- Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil as required
- Add toppings of choice if required ... classic rosemary and seasalt, raw or caramelised onion, fresh or sundried tomato, olives ...
- Or make a dough sandwich with the topping as a filling if you don't want a bitter charred flavour.
- Bake the tin loaf for 25 mins, the tray slabs for 20 mins and the rolls for 15 (or until the colour is golden brown and the bread sounds hollow when the bottom is tapped).
- If serving straight away then another drizzle won't go amiss.
Make it today!
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